Freeware Compilers
Welcome to Compiler page. From here you can
download some of the compilers and have a more information
about the compilers.
1.0 (Very popular DJGPP C / C++ compiler. Very good compiler. Fast and easy. By
using DJGPP you can make
a lot of accessories and games. I'm sure when you can program with DJGPP then you
can program with Visual C++ too.)
2. JBuilder 2.0
(Excellent Java compiler. By JBuilder you can make a lot of think. For you'r web site
Shareware Compilers
1. Visual C++ (Exellent compiler. By using visual
C++ you can almost make you'r own operating system. Visual C++ is
perfect compiler. There are different version of Visual C++. The price for Visual
C++ 4.0 is about 150 $)
2. Borland C++
(C++ compiler. Very good compiler. There are also different version of Borland C++.)
3. JBuilder (A
new version on JBuilder. JBuilder 4.0 is exellent java compiler. With more function then
JBuilder 2.0)
4. Quick Basic 4.5 (Quick basic
is a simple and cool compiler. By quick basic you can make a lot of good programs.
If you know quick basic well, then you'll have no problem to learn Visual basic.)
There are much more compilers that I haven't talked about. But those compilers are powerfull and populars.
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Last Update 09 . 12 . 1999
Copyrigth (c) Amin Davoudi 1999